myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free
Fly in maximum comfort for your well-being with empty neighboring seats in Economy
Check your eligibility for your upcoming flight
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What’s there to love about PAL’s all-new myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free? 


For as low as USD30, you can enjoy more space in economy class by blocking the seats beside you to keep them vacant so you can feel extra safe and have more room to relax.

Seat Select Neighbor-Free gives you a more comfortable Economy Class experience by having the entire row to yourself all throughout the flight.

Featured Benefits


Extra Comfort

Stretch out and relax in maximum comfort with multiple seats.


More Privacy

Enjoy more privacy with the extra personal space.


Added Peace of Mind

Fly with seats that remain passenger-free for your peace of mind.

How to Purchase



Check your eligibility online before your flight departure.



Choose the number of extra seats you want to purchase.



Enter your payment information.



Check your email for confirmation of your myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free

Frequenly Asked Questions
What is myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free?  
myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free gives passengers a more comfortable Economy Class experience by having the seat/s next to them neighbor-free all throughout the flight. 

Who are eligible to avail of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free? 
myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free is available to passengers with confirmed Economy Class tickets provided there are no pre-arranged service requests, such as but not limited to medical and wheelchair assistance, unaccompanied minor assistance, etc. 

How much do I have to pay for myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free?  
Rates vary per sector and destination. 

How can I avail of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free?  
Easily purchase myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free within 48 hours before your flight through an email invite that will be sent to the email address indicated in your flight booking or through the website. You can also avail myPAL Seat Select Neighbor Free during online check-in. 

What are the acceptable forms of payment?  
The acceptable form of payment is only credit card – Visa, Mastercard, and JCB and American Express in select routes. The amount will be charged upon confirmation of the extra seat. 

Can I purchase myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free at the Airport?  
No, myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free is only available online. 

How many extra seats can be reserved per passenger?  
A qualified passenger may avail up to a maximum of three myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free depending on the aircraft assigned for the flight.   

Will I get to choose my seat upon purchase of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free?  
The passenger may select the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free adjacent to their assigned seats. Please note that changing of seat assignments will not be allowed once the purchase is confirmed. 

Will I be seated together with my traveling companion if I availed myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free?  

Travelling companions who availed of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free will be seated together provided they are booked in one booking reference and depending on seat availability. 

How will I know that my request for myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free is confirmed?  
After purchasing myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free, you will receive an email confirmation indicating your flight date, flight origin and destination, number of seats purchased, assigned seats, and total amount charged.   

Is myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free guaranteed?  

Certain unavoidable circumstances such as but not limited to aircraft change, flight schedule or instances due to safety, security, and operational concerns may require us to change your seat. The guarantee of your myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free will be reconfirmed during boarding. In an unlikely event that extra seat assigned to you is not provided, a full refund will automatically be processed to your credit card after your flight.  

Are there additional benefits that comes with myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free?  

Purchase of a myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free only guarantees the comfort of having vacant seats adjacent to your seat for a more comfortable Economy Class experience.  

Can I cancel the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free once confirmed? 

Voluntary rebooking or cancelation will forfeit the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free and no refund will be issued.  
Refunds are issued in the event of irregular operations, including, but not limited to, flight cancellations, aircraft change due to safety, security, or operational reasons. 

Can I still purchase myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free on my next flight?  
Yes, you may avail of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free on your next flight, following the same terms and conditions.
Terms And Conditions
1. myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free may be availed only on specific flights, destinations, and/or travel dates as may be identified by PAL at its sole and absolute discretion

2. myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free is applicable only on PR-operated flights.

3. Passengers holding confirmed Economy Class tickets are eligible to avail the product, except passengers with Special Service Requests , in need of special handling or as identified by the carrier.

4. PAL, at its sole and absolute discretion, has the right to determine eligibility of a passenger for myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free.  

5. For Booking Reference or Record Locators with more than one passenger, myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free may be availed by one or few passengers in the booking. Applicable fees shall apply per passenger. 

6. An eligible passenger may avail of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-free within twenty-four (24) hours before Standard Time of Departure (BSTD).

7. myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-free cannot be availed with Choice Seats Extra Legroom. Passengers with previously paid myPAL Seat Select Extra Legroom are not eligible to avail of the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-free.

8. Should a passenger with previously purchased myPAL Seat Select Forward and Advanced Aisle Seat avail of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-free, paid fees shall automatically be forfeited upon confirmation of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-free.

9. Passenger may purchase a maximum of three (3) seats per flight depending on aircraft configuration and subject to availability of adjacent seats. 

10. Passenger may choose their seat assignment and extra seat/s upon booking of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-free. Passenger with previously reserved seat may not necessarily be assigned the same seat as this is subject to available vacant seat/s at the time of booking.

11. Voluntary changes of the assigned myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free are not permitted. 

12. The payment for myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free shall be charged immediately upon purchase. The amount of charges will appear on the credit card statement of account as “Phil Airlines Upgrade.” 

13. E-mail confirmation and official receipt will be sent through email.

14. Passenger who availed of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free will only be entitled to the inclusions of his/her confirmed Economy Class ticket. Mileage accrual and free baggage allowance shall be based only on the confirmed Economy Class ticket. 

15. Passenger(s) who availed of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free shall not be entitled to additional mileage accrual, baggage, meals and lounge. 

16. myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free is non-rebookable, non-transferable and non-endorseable. 

17. Voluntarily changes or refund of ticket shall cause forfeiture of myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free.

18. myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free is non-refundable, save for cases as may be identified by the airline in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.

19. In case of refund, an e-mail confirmation of refund shall be sent to the email address provided upon purchase of the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free. 

20. Should any refund be approved, passenger will receive a full refund based on the total amount of the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free purchased; it will be processed in the currency in which the amount was charged and to the credit card that was used to pay for the myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free.

21. PAL reserves the right to modify and otherwise change these Terms and Conditions, without prior notice, subject to applicable laws, rules and regulations. These Terms and Conditions shall be read in conjunction with PAL's General Conditions of Carriage, Disclaimer, Mabuhay Miles Terms and Conditions, Data Privacy & Security Policy, Online Booking Terms and Conditions, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations.

22. By requesting and availing myPAL Seat Select Neighbor-Free, Passenger(s) acknowledges, understands, and accepts these Terms and Conditions.