Seafood, Meat and Other Perishable Items
Most countries do not allow on bringing Seafood, Meats and Other Perishable Items. Contact the destination country’s Bureau of Plant and Quarantine as well as Customs to know more about these regulations. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has placed a ban on meat and poultry products, cooked or uncooked, from countries/regions affected with certain exotic animal diseases.  Click U.S. Customs and Border Protection Prohibited And Restricted Items for details
For domestic stations, Philippine Airlines can check-in these items as long as adequate and proper packing is ensured to prevent leakage during transit.  However, certain restrictions may be imposed on other countries.  It is the passenger's responsibility to find out what are the policies being observed at the destination station.  Contact the destination country’s Bureau of Plant and Quarantine as well as Customs to know more about these regulations.