Philippine Airlines Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

Philippine Airlines Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

(Applicable only to PAL flights to or from the United States)
Corporate & Other services(Issued in Compliance with 14 CFR Part 259.5)

 Philippine Airlines, Inc. (PAL) is committed to providing the total quality travel experience to all our customers. We endeavor to create a product that would make us truly proud and our customers satisfied. Our aim is to accord our customers an experience which they would remember us by, through a consistent effort to enhance our service delivery and regular trainings of our employees. We constantly try to improve our current systems and policies with our customers in mind. Our commitment to deliver the service expected of us and which our customers rightfully deserve is a primary and foremost goal.

Fly PAL! It is truly worth the experience!

Lowest Fare Offered 

We will disclose on, at PAL ticket counters, or PAL’s reservation center, that the lowest published fare by PAL may be available elsewhere, if that is the case.  Lowest published fare would depend on date/time of booking, ticket validity, flight and class of service requested.  Our staff will be glad to assist you as well as help you in creating your flight itineraries.

Notifying Customers of Known Delays, Cancellations, and Diversions 

We always endeavor to bring you to your final destination as scheduled. However, there would be times wherein we have to delay, cancel, or divert a flight due to adverse weather conditions, operational or service considerations, and other situations beyond the airline’s control. We only have your safety and well-being in mind as this is our foremost commitment.  Nevertheless, PAL commits to do the following: 
Promptly provide to customers who are ticketed or hold reservations, and to the public, information about a change in the status of a flight within thirty (30) minutes after PAL becomes aware of such a change in the status of the flight.  Information will be provided in the boarding gate area for the flight at a U.S. airport, on, and via PAL’s telephone reservation system upon inquiry by any person.  (A change in the status of a flight means, at a minimum, cancellation of a flight, a delay of thirty (30)  minutes or more in the planned operation of a flight, or a diversion.)
For PAL flights to or from the U.S., within thirty (30) minutes after PAL becomes aware of a flight cancellation, a flight delay of thirty (30) minutes or more, or a flight diversion, PAL will update all flight status displays and other sources of flight information that are under PAL’s control at U.S. airports with information on the flight irregularity. 
If an airport-controlled display system at a U.S. airport accepts flight updates from carriers, PAL will provide flight irregularity information to that U.S. airport for PAL’s scheduled flights to, or from the U.S. within thirty (30) minutes after PAL becomes aware of such a change in the status of the flight.  Flight irregularity refers to flight cancellations, flight delays of thirty (30) minutes or more, and diversions. 

Baggage Delivery

We endeavor to make our customers and their baggage travel together. Should there be an instance of baggage mishandling such as delayed or missing baggage, we would exert our best efforts to deliver your baggage within twenty-four (24) hours, reimbursing passengers for any fee charged to transport a bag if that bag is lost. As for compensation, PAL will abide with applicable international agreements in determining the appropriate compensation offer.

Expeditious Processing of Refunds

We will ensure that, subject to ticket restrictions, refunds are processed once PAL receives a complete set of required documents.  A refund request shall not be accepted and processed unless a complete set of required documents are submitted.  Refund applications may be submitted to any agent or representative at PAL Ticket Offices or if purchased online, at, by sending an email to, using the same email address in purchasing the ticket. For travel agent-issued tickets, refund applications shall be submitted to the travel agent.

Upon receipt of a complete refund request, and where ticket refunds are due, PAL shall provide prompt refunds, seven (7) business days for credit card purchases, and within twenty (20) business days for cash and check purchases, including refunding fees charged to a passenger for optional services that the passenger was unable to use due to an oversale situation or flight cancellation.  The bank/credit card company shall be responsible for crediting the net refund amount, subject to bank/company policies.  Refunds may not necessarily be reflected immediately on the billing statement. 

For immediate processing of refund applications, please ensure that all pertinent information/documentation are included and submitted.


Accommodation of Passengers Needing Special Assistance

Our commitment to provide the total quality travel experience to our riding public will never wane regardless of whether or not a passenger may have special needs and/or a disability. We will provide our passengers who need special assistance, most especially, passengers with disabilities and unaccompanied minors, with utmost care and attention, in compliance with PAL’s policies and procedures, including applicable government rules and regulations.

5(a). Passengers with Disabilities (PWD)

We will ensure that our services, facilities and equipment are in compliance with 14 CFR Part 382 – Air Carrier Access Act, as well as existing Philippine laws on Passengers with Disabilities (PWD). We definitely do not discriminate against passengers on the basis of disability and our personnel are specifically trained to support the commitment to our passengers with disabilities. 
You may request for assistance from any of our ground staff for your travel requirements. May we explain, though, that, there are requests that should be made in advance as these services would require preparations for your safe and comfortable travel.  Details of our services are in our website,

5(b). Unaccompanied Minor (UM)

We accept young passengers on board our flights. However, we have certain rules and regulations that govern their acceptance on the flight.

Children who are between the ages of two (2) to less than eight (8) years old must be accompanied by another passenger who is at least twelve (12) years old.

Children who are between the ages of eight (8) to less than twelve (12) years old may travel unaccompanied provided they are brought to, and met at the airports of departure/arrival by an adult and a UM Handling Advice is accomplished. There is a fee for this type of service as this would entail coordination with both our ground and in-flight staff to ensure the safe and smooth trip of the child.

Passengers who are between the ages of twelve (12) to less than fifteen (15) years old are considered young passengers and may travel alone. A request for a Meet and Assist can however be made to ensure their safe and smooth trip.

For PAL international flights, a Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Travel Clearance must be obtained.  Forms are available at DSWD field offices or may be downloaded online from the DSWD website,

An unaccompanied minor service fee shall be assessed for each unaccompanied minor eight (8) to eleven (11) years of age.  For travel between the Philippines and the U.S., the service fee is USD$75 per sector.  The service fee is non-refundable. 

You may check our website for further details with regard to our UM service at

Customers’ Essential Needs During Lengthy Tarmac Delays

We are committed to maintaining and/or improving our On-Time Performance (OTP).  However, safety considerations, weather, air traffic control, operations and other factors beyond the control of PAL may occasionally cause lengthy tarmac delays.  We have a Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays, aimed at minimizing the inconvenience caused by such delays.  Should a lengthy tarmac delay occur, and if safety and security considerations permit, PAL commits to exhaust efforts to ensure that customers’ essential needs are met by providing adequate food and potable water, operable lavatories, and adequate medical attention.   Our Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays can be found here.

Oversale of Flights 

As an industry practice, airlines can overbook their flight to serve as buffer for confirmed passengers who do not show up for their flights. This is what we call a Denied Boarding Situation. This situation may also happen in the event of weight and balance limitations of an aircraft, which may result to passengers being denied boarding. An aircraft downgrading to another equipment with a smaller configuration may also be a cause of a Denied Boarding Situation. 

If  a  flight is oversold (more passengers hold confirmed reservations than there  are  seats  available), no one may be denied boarding against his or her  will until PAL personnel first ask for volunteers who will give up their  reservations  willingly,  in  exchange for a compensation offered by PAL.  If  there  are  not enough volunteers, other passengers may be denied boarding involuntarily in accordance with the following order (i.e., chance passengers will be denied boarding first and so on accordingly): 

1. Chance Passengers;  
2. Passengers  with  Conditional  Reservation  Tickets;  
3. Originating  Confirmed Passengers; 
4. Connecting Confirmed Passengers; 
5. Thru  Passengers  on  board  the subject flight. If several passengers fall within the same classification in the foregoing enumeration, priority shall be  given  first  to  passengers  based on  their  frequent-flyer  status, thereafter  on  the  fare  paid  by  the  passenger  and  lastly  based  on passenger’s time of check-in on a first-come first-served basis. Exceptions shall be made for the following cases:      

   a. Persons with disabilities;  
   b. Aged or infirm;  
   c. Unaccompanied minors under 12 years of age;  
   d. Stretcher or wheelchair cases and their escorts;  
   e. Other cases who, in PAL’s opinion will entail severe hardship if off-loaded, provided, that, minors under (twelve) 12 years of age and accompanied by an adult shall have the same  priority as their adult companion.

However, the following passengers are not eligible for the Denied Boarding Compensation Package: 

Passengers who check-in late at the airport or when counters are already closed; 
Passengers who are denied boarding due to lack of, incomplete, or irregular travel documents; 
Passengers who have not fully complied with PAL’s ticketing, check-in and reconfirmation requirements; 
Passengers who are not acceptable for transportation under PAL’s usual rules and practices; 
Passengers who are denied boarding because the flight is cancelled; 
Passengers who are denied boarding because a smaller capacity aircraft is substituted due to safety or operational reasons; 
On a flight operated with an aircraft having sixty (60) or fewer seats, passengers who are denied boarding due to safety-related weight/balance restrictions that limit the payload; 
Passengers who are offered accommodations in a section of the aircraft other than specified in the ticket, at no extra charge (a passenger seated in a section for which a lower fare is charged must be given an appropriate refund); or 
Passengers who are placed by PAL on another flight or flights that are planned to reach the passenger’s next stopover or final destination within one (1) hour of the planned arrival time of the original flight for flights originating from a U.S. airport. 

Disclosure of Information

PAL will provide you information on PAL’s website,, and, upon request, through our telephone reservations system.  Clear information will be provided concerning the following: 

Cancellation policies
Frequent flyer (Mabuhay Miles ) rules 
Aircraft seating 
Lavatory availability 

Terms and conditions, policies, and other facets of our service are likewise available on our website,, through our Reservations Office and Ticket Offices. 

Changes in Travel Itineraries 

PAL commits to timely notify its consumers of changes, if any, to their travel itineraries.  

Responsiveness to Customer Complaints

PAL will respond quickly to customer complaints.  Information about where to submit your written complaint is available on our website,, on all e-ticket confirmations and, upon request, at each ticket counter and boarding gate staffed by PAL personnel or authorized representatives.  
PAL will acknowledge written complaints within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, and we will send a substantive written response within sixty (60) days of receiving the complaint.  

We have our Customer Relations Office which responds to passenger complaints and feedback. We truly welcome your feedback and we have several avenues on how you may air your complaints. We have our Customer Action Report (CARE) Forms available at our Ticket Offices and in-flight which you may accomplish and forward to our Customer Relations Office for handling and response. We, likewise, have a dedicated e-mail address, which is indicated on our e-Tickets Itinerary Receipts for easy access. 

Provision of Services to Alleviate Inconveniences from Flight Disruptions

PAL endeavors to call and notify affected passengers of flight disruptions using the contact information provided and reflected on booking records. Information on flight schedule changes is also available through our website, You may likewise get in touch with our 24-Hour Reservations Hotline at (63-2) 855-8888 for flight updates. 
At the airport, affected passengers will be provided meals and hotel accommodations with transfers, depending on the situation, as well as assistance for re-accommodation on another PAL flight, or through Other Airlines (OAL). 

Allowing Reservations to be Cancelled Within 24 Hours After Purchase

When you book and ticket a reservation at PAL, or if you use Mabuhay Miles to book a reward ticket, we will allow you to cancel the ticketed reservation without penalty, and receive a one hundred percent (100%) refund, provided the ticketed reservation is cancelled within twenty-four (24) hours of purchase, and further, the purchase is made one (1) week or more prior to the scheduled flight departure.


For any concern and/or complaint regarding your travel experience with us, please feel free to contact us:
Customer Care